abook of photographs by Vittorio Santoro with text and an introduction by Paul Bowles ; essays by Paul Groot and Daniel Kurjakovic.
The renowned American writer and composer Paul Bowles especially wrote the text «The Sky» for this publication, and he conducted an interview with Vittorio Santoro. Paul Groot muses over the aesthetic attitude of Santoro, while Daniel Kurjakovic deals with some choices and methods visible in the work's representational logic.
This book by Italian artist Vittorio Santoro (1962) features three types of images subliminally relating to each other: images of clouds covertly denoting precise geographical locations, studies of nudes, whose inscribed skin becomes a sort of receptacle for narratives, and portraits of public figures par excellence - artists - such as Marina Abramovic, Ross Bleckner, George Condo, Philip Glass, Jenny Holzer, Jonathan Lasker, Kiki Smith, Robert Wilson, and others.
País de Edição:: Suiça| Local de Edição:: Zurich
Editora:: Cage Editions| Ano de edição:: 1993| Idioma:: EN
País de Edição:: Suiça| Local de Edição:: Zurich
Editora:: Cage Editions| Ano de edição:: 1993| Idioma:: EN
Dimensões:: 32 x 28.5 cm| Encadernação:: Capa dura Páginas:: 120
ISBN:: 3-9520497-0-0
ISBN:: 3-9520497-0-0
|Excelente estado de conservação |
| PREÇO :: 35,00€ |
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