A retrospective look at this important Russian photographer by his grandson. Includes over 400 duotones and clor illustrations.

De A.N. Lavrentiev, Aleksandr Michajlovic Rodcenko

This is the most complete volume published outside of Russia to capture the photographic work of Alexander Rodchenko, one of the former Soviet Union's greatest artists. In it, Alexander Lavrentiev, grandson of the photographer, includes more than 400 pictures reproduced under a broad categorical structure that allows the reader to gain insight into Rodchenko's work. What comes across most clearly from the content and form of these photos is the artist's desire to depict an image of purposeful individuality and an idealized relationship between humankind and the built world under construction in the Soviet Union. Individual portraits generally contain a device, such as a reflection, or capture some movement that obliterates the standard style of Western portraiture. Buildings, even trees, are photographed to draw attention to the space they hold rather than to depict scenic landscapes. The photos are stunningly original.

Primeira edição

País de Edição:: EUA | Local de Edição:: New York
Editora:: Konemann | Ano de edição:: 1996| Idioma:: EN/FR/GE
Dimensões:: xxxxxxxxx | Encadernação:: Capa dura| Páginas:: 344
ISBN:: 9780714845234

| Muito bom estado de conservação |
| PREÇO :: 120,00€ |

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